Skin Res Technol 2000 Nov ;6 (4):245-249
L'Oreal, Applied Research and Development, Microbiology Department, Chevilly-Larue; L'Oreal, Advanced Research Centre, Life Sciences, Aulnay-sous-bois; INRA, Bioadhesion and Material Hygiene Research Unit, Massy, France.
Comparison of surface free energy between reconstructed human epidermis and in situ human skin
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The objectives of this study were to characterise the Episkin(R) model of reconstructed epidermis histologically and energetic, and to compare the results with the data obtained by Mavon (9, 10) on different areas of skin on the human body and on different skin types. METHODS: Histologically, the two skin systems studied were stained using Goldner's trichome METHOD: Surface free energy was determined by the measurement of contact angles, using the posed drop METHOD: RESULTS: Histologically, the two skin systems demonstrated the same cellular organisation in stratified layers. With regard to surface free energy, Episkin, skin from the forehead, normal and hyper-seborrheic skins are hydrophilic surfaces, while skin from the forearm or of an oligo-seborrheic type tends to be hydrophobic. Episkin and skin from the forehead exhibit similar surface free energy profiles. It is impossible to state whether Episkin has characteristics closer to those of normal or hyper-seborrheic skin, but they differ significantly from those of oligo-seborrheic skin. CONCLUSION: The results obtained during this study justify the use of Episkin in a range of tests where the use of in situ human skin raises problems.