SkinEthic RHE model accepted by OECD in Brazil

Implementation, availability and regulatory status of an OECD accepted Reconstructed Human Epidermis model in Brazil

SkinEthic RHE accpeted in Brazil by OECD


Rodrigo De Vecchi(1), Vanja Dakic(1), Guilherme Mattos(1), Anne-Sophie Rigaudeau(3), Veronica Oliveira(1), Cristina Garcia(1), Nathalie Alépée(2), José Cotovio(2), Charbel Bouez(4)

Visa em debate - Vigil. sanit. debate 2018;6(1):64-71 - January 04, 2018.

 (1) L´Oréal Research and Innovation, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil - (2) L´Oréal Research and Innovation, Aulnay-sous-Bois, France - (3) EPISKIN, Lyon, France - (4) L´Oréal Research and Innovation, Clark, USA.


The article reports the success of the implementation  of SkinEthicTM RHE, a Reconstructed Human Epidermis model internationally accepted by OECD for the full replacement of animal test for skin hazards identification, through a technology transfer from EPISKIN Lyon to Brazil.


Quality controls parameters were performed on 24 batches produced in Brazil.and protocol has been shown to be robust and highly reproducible.


The results demonstrate that the model met OECD acceptance criteria and therefore can be used for reliable prediction of irritation and corrosion classification. The availability of this model in Brazil will allow to follow the new legislation in 2019 to ban cosmetic products from being tested on animals.


You can find the abstract and more detailed information in the Scientific References pages of our website.