Posters presented during next SOT meeting



Posters in collaboration with Vitroscreen (Italy) and Yonsei University (Korea)


Human Reconstructed Mucosal Models to Assess Drug Permeation.
M. Meloni1 , A. Granata2 , C. Pellevoisin3 , and L. Ceriotti1 .
1 VitroScreen, Milan, Italy; 2 LabAnalysis, Pavia, Italy; and 3 EpiSkin Academy, Paris, France.

Drug Permeation Assessment through Reconstructed Vaginal Epithelium: The Case of Econazole.

L. Ceriotti1 , A. Granata2 , C. Pellevoisin3 , and M. Meloni1 .

1 VitroScreen, Milan, Italy; 2 LabAnalysis, Pavia, Italy; and 3 EpiSkin Academy, Paris, France.

Vitroscreen website:



Alternative Tests to Replace Ocular Irritation Animal Test in Medical Device Using Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelium.

S. Yang1 , J. Kwon1 , J. Ryu1 , C. Pellevoisin2 , K. Lim3 , B. Kim4 , I. Kim5 , and K. Kim1 .

1 Yonsei University College of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 2 EPISKIN, Lyon, France; 3 Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 4 Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea, Republic of; and 5 Korea Testing and Research Institute, Jeollanamdo, Republic of Korea.

Yonsei University website:



L'Oréal will present two posters on the use of the SkinEthic HCE model:


The EYEIRR-IS Assay: Development of an In Vitro Method Using SkinEthic HCE Model for Liquid Chemical Eye Irritation Subcategorization.

F. Cottrez1 , V. Leblanc2 , H. Groux1 , and N. Alepee2 .

1 Immunosearch, Grace, France; and 2 L’Oreal, Aulnay Sous Bois, France.


Implementation of In Vitro Eye Irritation Test Method Using Skinethic HCE and Between-Laboratory Reproducibility Evaluation in China.

N. Li1 , Y. Yang2 , G. He2 , Y. Liu1 , P. Wu2 , J. Wu2 , Q. Qin1 , and Z. Cai1 .

1 L’Oréal Research & Innovation, Shanghai, China; and 2 Guangdong Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou, China

Don't forget, the SOT 58th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo will take place at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland from March 10th to 14th, 2019.

EPISKIN will be please to welcome you at booth #3313, see you there next week!

Please discover the full Scientific Program on SOT website and the detailed program on this other SOT webpage.