AUTHORS : Autourde J-B Bataillon M Besne I Boyera N Chapuis A Durand S Lelièvre D Pellevoisin C Rigaudeau A-S Thillou F MODELS : T-Skin APPLICATIONS : Anti-Aging Characterization of a New Reconstructed Full Thickness Skin Model TSkin 2019 International Journal of Molecular Sciences | EPISKIN
AUTHORS : Auriault C. Cotovio J Cottrez F. Groux H. Lelièvre D Meunier Jean-Roch MODELS : EPISKIN APPLICATIONS : SKIN IRRITATION OF CHEMICALS SKIN IRRITATION OF COSMETICS IRR-IS® - EpiSkinTM based model for Irritation - Evaluation of IRR-IS®, an EpiSkinTM based model for Quantifying Chemical Irritation Potency 2012 SOT Society of Toxicology annual meeting | L’Oréal Research and Innovation, ImmunoSearch
AUTHORS : Garrigues A. Gregoire S. Lelièvre D Meunier Jean-Roch Patouillet C MODELS : RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : PERCUTANEOUS ABSORPTION Cutaneous Absorption on RHE: Guidance to the Choice of Solvent for Topical Application 2012 Society of Toxicology (SOT) annual meeting | L'Oréal, Research & Innovation
AUTHORS : Alepee N. Cotovio J Grandidier MH Lelièvre D Meunier Jean-Roch Tornier C MODELS : EPISKIN RHE / RECONSTRUCTED HUMAN EPIDERMIS APPLICATIONS : SKIN IRRITATION OF CHEMICALS Evaluation of the in vitro EpiSkin and SkinEthic RHE Skin Irritation test methods for hazard identification of chemicals 2011 |
AUTHORS : Alepee N. Amsellem Carole Bertino Beatrice Bremond Christelle Capallere Christophe Cotovio J de Brugerolle de Fraissinette A. Grandidier MH Leclaire J Lee AV Lelièvre D Loisel-Joubert Sophie Maloug Saber Meunier Jean-Roch Minondo Anne-Marie Ovigne Jean-Marc Tinois-Tessonneaud Estelle MODELS : HCE / HUMAN CORNEAL EPITHELIUM APPLICATIONS : Eye irritation OCULAR IRRITATION OF CHEMICAL In vitro assessment of eye irritancy using the Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelial SkinEthic HCE model: application to 435 substances from consumer products industry. 2010 Toxicology In Vitro. 2010 Mar;24(2):523-37. | L'Oréal, Research & Innovation
AUTHORS : Alepee N. Amsellem Carole Bertino Beatrice Bremond Christelle Capallere Christophe Cotovio J de Brugerolle de Fraissinette A. Grandidier M H Leclaire J Lelièvre D Loisel-Joubert Sophie Maloug Saber Meunier Jean-Roch Minondo Anne-Marie Ovigne Jean-Marc Tinois-Tessonneaud Estelle Van Der Lee Aline MODELS : HCE / HUMAN CORNEAL EPITHELIUM In vitro assessment of eye irritancy using the Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelial SkinEthic™ HCE model: Application to 435 substances from consumer products industry 2009 | SkinEthic
AUTHORS : Bonaventure N. Christiaens F Cotovio J Coutet J Justine P Lelièvre D Marrot L MODELS : EPISKIN APPLICATIONS : Phototoxicity The episkin phototoxicity assay (EPA): Development of an in vitro tiered strategy using 17 reference chemicals to predict phototoxic potency 2007 Toxicol In vitro, 2007 Sep;21(6):977-995 | L'Oreal Research, Life Sciences, 1 Av. E. Schueller,93600 Aulnay-sous-Bois