Episkin will attend the ASIATOX

ASIATOX: June 23-26, 2015 - ICCJEJU, Jeju Island, Korea



Episkin will attend the 7th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology that will take place on the island of Jeju in Korea from June 23rd to 26th.

During this congress the Episkin Academy will present two posters:

Poster Session III (June 25, 2015) :

Poster n° P23N437
In vitro assessment of skin irritation of medical devices with Episkin reconstructed human Epidermis (RHE)
C.Pellevoisin(1), C.Tornier(1), J.Bidoggia(1), A.Alonso(1), A.P. Turley(2), D. S. Olsen(2), M.Lee(2), D.Briotet(3), Y. Haishima(4), C.Bouez(1)
1. EPISKIN Academy, Lyon, France - 2. Nelson Laboratories, Inc. USA - 3. NAMSA, Chasse sur Rhône, France - 4. National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

Poster n° P23N511
Contribution of Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) to in vitro toxicology
C.Pellevoisin; N.Seyler and C. Bouez EPISKIN Academy, 4, rue Alexandre Fleming, 69007, Lyon – France

Meet our scientists during poster session!

For more information about ASIATOX and the Scientific Program please follow this link: http://www.asiatox2015.org/