Release of prostaglandin E2, IL-6 and IL-8 from human oral epithelial culture models after exposure to compounds of dental materials
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Topical hyaluronidase decreases hyaluronic acid and CD44 in human skin and in reconstituted human epidermis: evidence that hyaluronidase can permeate the stratum corneum
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Invasion of Candida albicans correlates with expression of secreted aspartic proteinases during experimental infection of human epidermis
J Invest Dermatol. 2000 Apr;114(4):712-7 | Department of Dermatology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.
Characterization and comparison of reconstructed skin models: morphological and immunohistochemical evaluation
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Development of a highly sensitive in vitro phototoxicity assay using the SkinEthic reconstructed human epidermis
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Identification of two secreted phospholipases A2 in human epidermis
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Development of a highly sensitive in vitro phototoxicity assay using the SkinEthic reconstructed human epidermis
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Characterization of a new tissue-engineered human skin equivalent with hair
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Comparison of in vitro and in vivo human skin responses to consumer products and ingredients with a range of irritancy potential
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Differential expression and release of cytokines by an in vitro reconstructed human epidermis following exposure to skin irritant and sensitizing chemicals
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Effects of microgravity on growing cultured skin constructs
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Exogenous sphinganin derived sphingolipid increases epidermal ceramide content in human reconstructed skin
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Human in vitro and in vivo cutaneous responses to soap suspensions: Role of solution behavior in predicting potential irritant contact dermatitis
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Incorporation of linoleic acid by cultured human keratinocytes
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A novel approach for studying angiogenesis: a human skin equivalent with a capillary-like network
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Physical characterization of the stratum corneum of an in vitro human skin equivalent produced by tissue engineering and its comparison with normal human skin by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and thermal analysis (DSC)
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Reconstituted 3-dimensional human skin as a novel in vitro model for studies of carcinogenesis
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1999 ;254 (1):49-53 | Department of Dermatology, Columbia University, New York, New York, 10032, USA.
Reconstruction of a human skin equivalent using a spontaneously transformed keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT)
J Invest Dermatol 1999 ;112 (4):489-98 | Department of Dermatology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands.
Use of skin cell cultures for in vitro assessment of corrosion and cutaneous irritancy
Cell Biol Toxicol 1999 ;15 (1):63-75 | Life Sciences Research, L'Oreal Recherche, Clichy, France.
Epidermal organization and differentiation of HaCaT keratinocytes in organotypic coculture with human dermal fibroblasts
J Invest Dermatol 1999 Mar ;112(3):343-353 | Division of Differentiation and Carcinogenesis, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg