Gene expression analysis of EpiDerm following exposure to SLS using cDNA microarrays
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In vitro testing for phototoxic potential using the epiderm 3-D reconstructed human skin model
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Keratinocyte growth factor induces hyperproliferation and delays differentiation in a skin equivalent model system
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A modified ex vivo skin organ culture system for functional studies
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Reconstructed skin equivalents for assessing percutaneous drug absorption from pharmaceutical formulations
ALTEX 2001 ;18 (2):103-6 | Department of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Saarland University, D-Saarbrucken.
Reconstruction of basement membrane in skin equivalent; role of laminin-1
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Regulation of keratin expression by ultraviolet radiation: differential and specific effects of ultraviolet B and ultraviolet a exposure
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Repeated exposures of human skin equivalent to low doses of ultraviolet-B radiation lead to changes in cellular functions and accumulation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers
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UVB-induced conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to 1< alpha >,25- dihydroxyvitamin D<inf>3</inf> in an in vitro human skin equivalent model
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In a skin equivalent HaCaT cells have a preserved capacity to receive melanosomes but melanocytes do not remain in the basal location
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Simultaneous isolation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts from a human cutaneous biopsy for the production of autologous reconstructed skin
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Cosmetic efficacy claims in vitro using a three-dimensional human skin model
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Comparison of human skin or epidermis models with human and animal skin in in-vitro percutaneous absorption
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Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum europaischen Tierversuchsverbot fur Kosmetika
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Topically applied lactic acid increases spontaneous secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor by human reconstructed epidermis
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A prevalidation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation. results and evaluation by the Management Team
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Clues to epidermal cancer proneness revealed by reconstruction of DNA repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum skin in vitro
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Interrelation of permeation and penetration parameters obtained from in vitro experiments with human skin and skin equivalents
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Barrier function in reconstructed epidermis and its resemblance to native human skin
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Generation of oxidative stress in human cutaneous models following in vitro ozone exposure
Toxicol In Vitro 2001 Aug-Oct ;15 (4-5):357-62 | L'OREAL Advanced Research, Life Sciences Division, 93600 Aulnay Sous Bois, France.