Human epidermis is a novel site of phospholipase B expression
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Improvement of the experimental setup to assess cutaneous bioavailability on human skin models: dynamic protocol
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In vitro evaluation of skin sensitivity of povidone-iodine and other antiseptics using a three-dimensional human skin model
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Keratinocytes control the pheo/eumelanin ratio in cultured normal human melanocytes
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Kinetic analysis on the in vitro cytotoxicity using Living Skin Equivalent for ranking the toxic potential of dermal irritants
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A long-term coculture model for the study of mast cell-keratinocyte interactions
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A new approach to completely autologous cardiovascular tissue in humans
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A new technique for three-dimensional measurements of skin surface contours: evaluation of skin surface contours according to the ageing process using a stereo image optical topometer
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Non-animal testing strategies for assessment of the skin corrosion and skin irritation potential of ingredients and finished products
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Predictive ability of reconstructed human epidermis equivalents for the assessment of skin irritation of cosmetics
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Reconstructed skin kits: reproducibility of cutaneous irritancy testing
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Use of differential display-polymerase chain reaction to identify genes selectively modulated by chemical allergens in reconstituted human epidermis
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Utility of MTT assay in three-dimensional cultured human skin model as an alternative for draize skin irritation test: approach using diffusion law of irritant in skin and toxicokinetics-toxicodynamics correlation
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Peaux reconstruites : les modeles se perfectionnent
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Effect of squalene monohydroperoxide on cytotoxicity and cytokine release in a three-dimensional human skin model and human epidermal keratinocytes
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Characterization of the barrier function in a reconstituted human epidermis cultivated in chemically defined medium
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Lack of desquamation: the Achilles heel of the reconstructed epidermis
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Fibroblasts play a regulatory role in the control of pigmentation in reconstructed human skin from skin types I and II
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